The City of Whitehouse has partnered with CivicPlus®, a leading government technology company, to release a new tool to empower residents to report quality-of-life issues and request government services. The application called SeeClickFix is available for all residents to download on any iOS or Android device. You can also access the system from a desktop computer via the City of Whitehouse website at https://www.whitehousetx.org/288/Report-an-Issue.
The SeeClickFix app allows City of Whitehouse residents who identify community repair or service request needs to submit photos, location information, and request details directly to City of Whitehouse administrative staff members. In addition, the platform provides City officials with a centralized system to manage issues from creation to resolution — engaging residents throughout the process.
The software also enables duplicate detection so that if a resident begins to submit a request already in the system, it will promptly notify them and enable them to follow the existing request. This reduces duplicate requests and increases the City’s services.
The technology allows community members to report problems to their government leaders and view, comment on, and follow issues submitted by their neighbors. Residents can even create their own “watch areas” to receive notifications about all the reports in their community, enabling them to follow the progress of all service requests—not just the ones they submit.
“We are pleased to partner with City of Whitehouse on a technology solution that empowers their residents to initiate and support community improvements and enable staff members to easily and transparently respond to such requests,” said Jennifer Elliott, CivicPlus Director of Product Marketing.