The City of Whitehouse has partnered with CivicPlus®, a leading government technology company, to release a new tool to empower residents to report quality-of-life issues and request government services. The application called SeeClickFix is available for all residents to download on any iOS or Android device. You can also access the system from a desktop […]
The Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) will increase patrols on roads beginning this weekend to ensure motorists drive responsibly this spring break and St. Patrick’s Day. March 8 through March 17, the Texas Highway Patrol (THP) will conduct its annual Spring Break and St. Patrick’s Day traffic enforcement campaign—looking for people who are speeding, […]
AUSTIN – The Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) will hold its legacy run for Recruit Class C-2024 on Friday, March 14, 2025. The four-mile run will take off early Friday morning from DPS headquarters and end at the Texas State Capitol. DPS first implemented the run – which was originally an eight-mile route – […]
Smith County officials gave an update during Commissioners Court Tuesday on the progress of two Smith County Road Bonds passed by voters. The Smith County Road Bond Phase 1 for $39.5 million was approved by 73 percent of the vote on November 7, 2017. More than 376 miles of roads were improved with major reconstruction […]
Bullard, Texas – The Bullard Independent School District (BISD) Board of Trustees has officially called for a school board election to be held on Saturday, May 3, 2025. This election will determine the representatives for Place 6 and Place 7 on the Board, as the current terms for these positions are set to expire. The […]
Several long-time Smith County employees were recognized during Commissioners Court on Tuesday, February 25. Lorri Robertson was honored for 25 years of service to Smith County. She began working part-time in the Hot Check Division in 1999. She soon went full-time for the County Clerk’s Office in the Criminal Division, where she worked for about […]
BULLARD, Texas (ETX Bell) — A new community newspaper, ETX Bell, is set to launch this spring, bringing local news, sports, business updates, and community engagement to areas south of Tyler, including towns between Tyler and Jacksonville. We call this area the “Bell Area” because the major cities/towns in the area are mapped out like […]
Smith County residents who suffered property damage due to Tuesday morning’s storms are being asked to report them the Texas Division of Emergency Management. Smith County Emergency Management Coordinator Brandon Moore reported that a couple of mobile homes in The Grove at Brook Hollow, located off Rhones Quarter Road, had trees that fell through them. […]
Several people who reside in areas around East Texas including Cherokee can benefit from a program to help those in rural areas to get housing. As of yet, the Bell is reaching out to the organization to see if they will be participating with any communities within our area. _______________________ Through a cooperative agreement with […]
It is the heart and soul of everything. The soul of man, I mean. Whether we are all just a composite of atoms wandering about in an existence that touches, and only touches those things made of atoms, and death of the body is the annihilation of our being, questions of the soul’s existence define […]